Service to both Whidbey and Fidalgo Island

Window Cleaning

Roof & Gutter Cleaning

Pressure Washing

Moss Treatment & Removal

Oh Say Can You See services

Window Cleaning Service

Our service goes the extra mile to make sure your windows are spotless and streak free. Do you want to be sure your windows are clean for an event, a home sale, or your everyday customers? Let the experts do it!

Our window cleaning service prices also include the removal and wipe down of the screens and window tracks. 

Window Cleaning

 Blown Seals

Often times, window cleaning reveals damage. Windows are predominantly made out of two panes of glass, with a protective gas sealed in between them. Over time, depending on a lot of factors, the seal will break, and the gas will leak, resulting in a very foggy or moisture like appearance. Unfortunately this cannot be fixed except by replacement. We advise home owners to contact the window manufacturer to find information about warranties.  

Scratches & Cracks

We usually look around at all the windows in our estimate, but we do appreciate when the home owner lets us know about any scratches and or cracks in their windows. Sometimes a dirty window will hide these problems only to be revealed when cleaned. We use scratch-proof tools, and we are trained and experienced in scratch-prevention when cleaning.

Oh Say Can You See Window Cleaning
oh say can you see gutter cleaning service

Gutter Cleaning Service

Gutters do a lot to keep you house clean and protected from water damage. In the Northwest, maintaining your gutters requires regular, seasonal attention. 

The cost to clean gutters varies depending on height, roof pitch, and the gutter condition. 

We clean downspouts, and remove any needles or debris on the roof before the cleaning. We also check around the property to make sure all paths and outside furniture aren’t covered with gutter debris.


Roof Cleaning Service

Moss can easily compromise the health and living conditions of a home. We believe a treatment is the safest method of removing the moss, while also preserving the longest durability of your roof.

Methods Of Moss Removal

Pressure washing moss off a roof causes more damage than the moss could. Experienced roofers say a shingle roof has only three years of life left after pressure washing before it needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, moss removal with a wire brush does almost as much harm. Leaving the moss on and treating it will allow the moss to absorb the treatment and kill it to the roots. This process takes several weeks, after which we will return to gently remove whatever is left. This method guarantees the longest life for your roof. 

Recommended Frequency

Depending on how much debris your roof collects, and how wet the conditions are, we recommend putting a treatment on annually. However, just checking every so often for a green color, especially on the shady sides of the building is the most common practice.

moss treatment oak harbor